Cold weather can create a host of problems for business owners, employees and customers. During the winter, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep cold air out of your facility and reduce the temperature of the building. The amount of work a heater has to do to maintain the interior temperature of a facility is significant. One thing that can completely change that is commercial air curtains.

Air curtains have a similar function to vinyl slatted doors. They keep cold or hot air out, allowing air to circulate through a building or space without a drop or rise in temperature.

How Air Curtains Work

Air curtains or air doors are not physical barriers. An air curtain is simply a device that creates a stream of air through a doorway when an employee or customer enters a room or building. It works by creating an air pocket that basically pushes cold air away from the interior of the building. When combined with a physical door, it can be an extremely effective tool for maintaining warm air within a facility.

Air curtains are especially useful over high-traffic entrances. This is an important piece of equipment for your facility to use during the winter, as it keeps the inside of the building warm even as the outside temperature continues to drop. The airflow is strong enough to create a barrier between the two climate zones, but not enough to harm customers or employees passing through the entrance.

Air Curtains Help Conserve Energy

It's common for people to turn on their heaters to keep facilities warm during the winter months, but the more you turn on the heater, the more money you end up spending on your energy bills. Since an air curtain acts as a barrier against cold air in winter, it can help reduce the amount of energy you would normally use to keep your facility warm. Curtains push the air outward, so the cold air has no chance to interact with the air inside the building. As your energy bills decrease over time, the air curtains price usually offsets itself.

They Are Worthwhile Investment

When you consider how much winter weather can affect your business, whether it's increasing your energy bills or affecting your work environment, an air curtain is definitely a worthwhile investment. You'll keep your facilities, customers, and employees free of freezes, while saving money and energy.

Mitzvah welcomed a new addition to the facility, which hopes to stay warm this winter, a commercial air curtain. To inquire about installing air curtains, please contact us today.

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