5 Simple Yet Unknown Facts About Commercial Air Curtain


What is a commercial air curtain?

Before we kick off by discussing some interesting advantages and facts on commercial air curtains let’s see what is an air curtain. So it’s a product that creates a uniform stream of directed air that can be heated or unheated and is used at entrances to create a barrier inhibiting the transfer of heat. It also builds a difference from one zone to the other. A creatively manufactured and designed system will create this blockade throughout the entire height and width of the opening area.

However, some people confuse an air curtain with an overdoor heater. But there’s a huge difference between them as a door heater is a small electric or water-heated fan unit which works with low volumetric airflow. Overdoor, heaters are used and installed above doorways where there is a low pedestrian footfall and where the door is mainly closed. Their usage is for filtering air that enters the space to prevent the discomfort caused by drafts. 

Facts on commercial air curtain

1. In commercial buildings, air infiltration is an important thing to do because it creates unintentional coming of outside air into the building through little, negligible cracks. It ultimately gets in the building envelope and makes its way to the entrances which can account for up to 18% of total building heat losses. And by using properly designed air curtain systems in all non-residential buildings we can make significant reductions in the demand for energy from buildings for heating and cooling applications. 

2. It has been reported that building owners can save more energy just by installing an air curtain over a vestibule. Moreover, air curtains can also help in decreasing initial construction costs and has the ability to maximize floor space. Air curtains are easy to install and are placed without any hassle at the top of the doorway. 

3. If you compare commercial air curtains and vestibule heaters, then curtains use less supplemental heat which helps maintains an inside environment comforting for employees. Also, it reduces extra costs for maintaining drier entryway floors during inclement weather. This helps prospects keep the customer traffic in the stores.

4. Air curtain has an impeccable property of maintaining hygiene and sanitation by reducing the entry of unwanted bacteria to some extent and insects. It even avoids dust and bad odors from entering the premises.

5. Businesses can largely cut off their energy and electricity costs by installing air curtains because it leads the way in energy efficiency in many regards. If you have air curtains then you can let the doors remain open for a long time which means inviting uninterruptedly your potential customers at one time. 

An air curtain and physical door can be utilized in tandem; when the solid door is opened the air curtain turns on, minimizing air exchange between inside and outside.

 6. Industrial Air curtains also provide an unseen barrier at the entrance of the building which plays different effective roles even without disturbing the building design. Its role is to avoid unnecessary and harmful outside elements. Thus if you buy PVC curtains then you can highly use them in places areas where doors have to be opened for a long time for operational purposes.

If you wish to buy commercial air curtains of the best quality and at very affordable rates then visit Mitzvah for all your needs and requirements.

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Call: 92110 92110


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