Commercial Air Curtains Manage Indoor Air Quality in Commercial Places


As of 2018, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that commercial buildings are getting taller. They estimate that the 5.9 million buildings are 97 billion square feet, with offices accounting for 23 percent of that floor area. Their size and purpose suggest they are not very sustainable. With longer operating hours, more heating and cooling are required, making indoor air quality control even more important.

Studies done by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggest that indoor pollutant levels may be higher than outdoors. Let's take a look at some of the factors that affect office air quality and how air curtains can mitigate them.

Important Considerations to Manage Your Indoor Air Quality

1. Adopt an air curtains to control indoor air quality and improve performance.

2. Temperature control is critical to indoor air quality.

3. Control of air pollutants by air doors in indoor air quality management.

4. Indoor air quality must include humidity and humidity control.

Offices of all types, sizes, and ages need to manage indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Quality Management with Air Curtain Improves Performance

Most Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors and at least one-third at work. Most of the workers are in some kind of brick-and-mortar building. The global real estate services company reports that employee expectations for convenience and comfort are rising. Of course, indoor air quality is still important to employees and guests.

An Environmental Protection Agency study concluded that improving indoor air quality can increase productivity and reduce lost days. Ritual says three strategies are critical to indoor air quality:

• Deal with pollution sources

• Dilution and removal of contaminants

• Use a filter to clean the air

• Air curtain temperature control is critical to indoor air quality.

Mitzvah also reports that improved thermal comfort and ventilation can increase productivity by 5%. Other studies have shown that productivity decreases when people are hotter or cooler than they prefer. When profitability is so clearly tied to temperature stability, maintaining the temperature at the lowest cost is as important as any business decision.

Air curtains at inlets and openings eliminate outside air fluctuations that alter indoor air quality and temperature. In terms of energy savings and reduced load on the HVAC system alone, air curtains quickly pay for themselves with the savings. The Mars ROI calculator can help you understand how quickly your air curtains can pay for themselves.

Controlling Airborne Pollutants Important Objective in Indoor Air Quality Management

Commercial air curtains can be toxins from outside the office, or from cleaning products or pesticides inside the office. Even office equipment like laser printers is considered office poisons. Research has shown that particle concentrations are five times higher during working hours when office equipment is used.

Air curtains provide invisible airflow to protect office entry doors. Even a large row of doors can be protected with a row of air curtains. No inlet is too wide for air curtain protection.

The Mars Air Scrubber is also worth considering. This protective product is a vertically mounted walk-through structure that gently dissipates dirt from people entering the building. It uses three technologies: a true HEPA filter, a MERV 7-8 pre-filter, and a cool plasma generator and UVC lamp. The Mars air purifier won't hinder people from entering the office, but it will help.

Loading bays found in larger commercial office buildings along with rear entry doors benefit from industrial units designed for larger openings that need more industrial strength units.

Indoor Air Quality Must Include the Control of Moisture & Humidity

Moisture impacts indoor air high-quality by way of developing surroundings for mildew and different organic contaminants to thrive. Some mold includes mycotoxins which are nonetheless below learning about however are recognized to set off liver cancer, and kidney failure, and result in the Genius and fearful system. Other folks will go through infection of the eyes, skin, nose, or throat whilst others may also go through asthmatic assaults from the mold.

Air curtains can dry moist flooring and address the troubles that condensation is regarded to create. Air curtains can be positioned at each kind of entrance door and can be used close to approaches that are regarded to create moisture to assist dry surfaces.

Moisture can create slippery flooring which triggers slipping accidents. These accidents are in the pinnacle 5 motives for laborers' compensation claims and can take place in many indoor environments. Wet local weather environments can additionally be a supply of slippery foyer floors. An air curtain can work to robotically set off dry flooring and take away issues of accidents and claims.


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